Grand opening

Rankweil residents stormed the “new” Häusle Villa

15.06.2024 17:25

The renovated building in the center of Rankweil was handed over to its new owner on Saturday. The ruins of a fire have been transformed into a real gem. In future, the Häusle-Villa will be used for weddings, among other things.

Many still remember the fire at the Häusle Villa in Rankweil in late fall 2019. The blazing flames destroyed large parts of the building, which had recently been purchased by the municipality. After the inferno, it was not clear for a long time whether the condition of the building fabric was even good enough to be renovated.

One could: More than four years later, there is a real gem in the center of Rankweil, which was officially opened on Saturday. There is now a future for a building with a long history: Originally built as a simple residential house, the building was extended by various owners over the years and eventually converted into a villa. The current name "Häusle-Villa" dates back to the 1990s, before which the prestigious building was known throughout the region as the "Marte-Villa".

Old shines in new splendor after renovation. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
Old shines in new splendor after renovation.

With the renovation, the municipality of Rankweil has killed two birds with one stone: as the nearby town hall has been bursting at the seams for years anyway, some offices were relocated to the Häusle-Villa without further ado - the registry office and the culture, sport and clubs departments have found a new home there. The construction costs amounted to around two million euros, including the redesign of the square in front of the Rankweil-Markt elementary school.

2 million euros

have been invested in the renovation of the Häusle Villa. The investment benefits the entire community.

"We can be proud of the new gem that has been created in our town center. It's a real asset for Rankweil," says local councillor Helmut Jenny, who played a leading role in the implementation of the project, proud of the new landmark.

He is not alone in this: the opening ceremony on Saturday showed just how much the local population is attached to the villa. Despite the bad weather, well over a thousand people made a pilgrimage to the center of Rankl and were given a tour of the new premises - after which they enjoyed the gastronomic offerings on the newly designed forecourt. The tenor was unanimous: "The renovated Häusle-Villa is an enrichment for the entire village."

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read the original article here.

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