Coach search clarified

Stripfing’s new coach speaks Spanish

16.06.2024 13:57
Second division club Stripfing has found the right coach. According to "Krone" information, former Bundesliga footballer Inaki Bea is taking over.

It took a long time, the board meeting of Austrias cooperation club Stripfing. There was a lot of discussion, especially about the current renovation of their own facility. After their first year in the second division on the FAC pitch, the Weinviertel club want to return to their pitch as soon as possible. This should happen in the summer, until then they will be fighting for points in the Generali-Arena. Where the most important Stripfinger decisions are still being made.

Stripfing's head of sport Alex Grünwald (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Armin Rauthner)
Stripfing's head of sport Alex Grünwald

Such as the coaching issue, in which Austrias sporting director Jürgen Werner and the violet sporting director Manuel Ortlechner advised Stripfings sporting director Alex Grünwald - to put it mildly. And apparently came to the conclusion that the little brother would benefit from a Spanish coach. The contract with Inaki Bea has already been signed, but nobody wants to confirm this yet.
Success is limited
The 45-year-old was certainly useful as a player from 2010 to 2012 as a central defender at Wacker Innsbruck, but his success as a coach is limited. Four games as team manager of the Dominican Republic, 25 for Spanish fourth-division club Numancia, and last April he was sacked in his home country at fourth-division club Aguilas after just five games without a win. Werner & Co. will certainly have had something in mind when signing Bea. We'll find out at the beginning of the week what . . .

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