"Standpunkt" column

Why Red Bull Salzburg must say yes to age

16.06.2024 15:00

With the departures of goalkeeper Timo Horn and Andreas Ulmer, runners-up Red Bull Salzburg are getting even younger. Yet experience in the squad would be so important. Especially when you look at the major challenges that await Salzburg in the coming season. "Standpunkt" - a column by "Krone" editor Sebastian Steinbichler.

Oida" is an exclamation used mainly by younger people in this country. It is colloquial for "old age". However, this word can be used in many different ways. Either as an expression of disappointment, astonishment or when you are angry - just to name three examples. Even in the dressing room of runners-up Red Bull Salzburg, one or two players will say "Oida" from time to time. Because it suits the age structure of the Bulls squad. However, there is even less evidence of the aforementioned importance than in previous years. After all, the Bulls have lost two really old players in recent weeks - at least in relation to their team-mates.

How long will that last?
First of all, the successful era of Andreas Ulmer (38) came to an end after 22 titles in the Bulls kit. On Friday, the departure of goalkeeper Timo Horn was also announced. The German, 31 years old, was mainly brought in for the dressing room. Someone who gives the youngsters a foothold with his experience, supports and guides them. Salzburg's "youth craze" has thus reached a new level even before Pepijn Lijnders' debut on the coaching bench. At 28, regular goalkeeper Alexander Schlager is currently the oldest member of the squad.

Gone: goalkeeper Timo Horn. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Gone: goalkeeper Timo Horn.
The time of Andreas Ulmer ended after many successful years. (Bild: Tröster Andreas/Kronen Zeitung)
The time of Andreas Ulmer ended after many successful years.

There is no question that this path was very successful in the past. The Bulls have made a name for themselves throughout Europe with this approach and have reached the last sixteen of the Champions League. But can this system work in the long term? This is a question that those responsible around sports boss Bernhard Seonbuchner, Lijnders and Co. should and will certainly ask themselves. Looking ahead to the coming season, one thing is certain: huge challenges await the Bulls!

In qualifying for the top flight, where the team from Mozartstadt will enter the third round in August, the team will have to surpass itself early on. In the league, they will have to go all out for 32 games in order to finish at the top. Then the Club World Cup in the United States awaits at the end. The Bulls will certainly not be flying across the pond just to collect the bonuses - there is rumored to be 50 million euros in entry fees.

Bernhard Seonbuchner is on the road these days and weeks. The cell phone is running hot. (Bild: Tröster Andreas/Kronen Zeitung)
Bernhard Seonbuchner is on the road these days and weeks. The cell phone is running hot.

It's all in the mix!
That's why the phone of a Salzburg sports director will rarely be as hot as Seonbuchner's in these days and in the coming weeks. Who will go along with the new start under Lijnders, who will be brought in, who will you want to get rid of? These are all questions that are more pressing than ever after a title-less season - the first since 2012/13. In addition to many strong talents, they will also need players who can provide calm and who can be counted on in any sporting pressure situation. Players who have already been through many different situations. Like guys like Horn and Ulmer. Even if they didn't (or no longer) play a major role on the pitch.

That's why Salzburg needs to say yes to age again, without completely abandoning its youth mania. After all: "A good mix makes the difference!" Then "Oida" would be more than just an exclamation again. But perhaps also a term for an "older" teammate.

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read the original article here.

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