Before the opening game

Hütter: “Can be unpleasant for the French!”

16.06.2024 14:57

Coach Adi Hütter of France's runners-up AS Monaco has high hopes for the ÖFB team in the red-white-red opening match of the European Championship against the runners-up.

"France are of course the favorites, and not just against us. But we can make things difficult for them if we bring our game to the pitch," said Hütter ahead of the first group game on Monday (9pm) in Düsseldorf. The 54-year-old Vorarlberg native senses a positive mood in the country of the top favorites.

"There is a lot of euphoria surrounding the national team in France itself, as they recently reached the World Cup final," said Hütter. Team boss Didier Deschamps has everything under control and there is correspondingly great optimism that this time it will be enough to win the title, added Hütter, who will be there in person in Düsseldorf. "France are all about the offense, that's the showpiece."

Will they pull off a surprise?
The Monaco coach has a possible recipe for success as to how the French attacking line with superstar Kylian Mbappé, Ousmane Dembélé, Antoine Griezmann or Marcus Thuram could be defused. "You have to disrupt them when they receive the ball, they all have a lot of speed and great technique. That's how we were able to keep the Paris stars at bay with Monaco. But they are basically difficult to defend against," said Hütter.

Kylian Mbappé (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Kylian Mbappé

Monaco finished second in Ligue 1 last season behind the star ensemble from Paris Saint-Germain. In March, Hütter's team managed a goalless draw at home against PSG with Mbappé, and the champions won the first leg in Paris last November 5-2.

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