Strengthens rural location

Rennweg has a baker again PHOTO KOMMT

21.06.2024 13:54

The municipality of Rennweg proves just how important cooperation is. Several people have finally managed to bring a bakery back to the village.

Having a bakery in the village again was the goal of community leader Franz Aschbacher. "I was asked if I could also supply Rennweg with my baked goods," says Gmünd's master baker Christoph Pietschnigg. The 39-year-old knows only too well how important local businesses are. "If the landlord dies, the community dies - an old saying that is unfortunately true. The rural region has to work together, that's the only way to strengthen it," emphasizes the Gmünd business chairman.

And so the "Meisterbäckerei" (master bakery) is set to move into the Strafnerstadl in July. And the name has a meaning. "Because we masters have joined forces to open the bakery. Namely with the former master baker family Grosek, who gave us the inventory and installed the master carpenter Müller in the barn, which was made available to us by Andreas Strafner. And finally, the store is run by master baker Pietschnigg," says the mayor gratefully.

Strong migration
Rennweg is one of many rural communities that are feeling the effects of emigration. "We've been fighting this for 20 years," says Mayor Franz Aschbacher, but is positive about the future. He is trying to strengthen the village with further projects.

The Pöllatal is to become car-free. (Bild: Tourismusverband Katschberg)
The Pöllatal is to become car-free.

How the village is to be strengthened
A cooperation between Café Cappuccino, Fleischveredelung Peitler and the bakery is intended to ensure better security of supply. "The operators will offer their products in the restaurants. For example, customers will be able to purchase desserts after the bakery has closed." The Katschtal valley has one more doctor: Jutta Nagele will move into the premises of the Grosek bakery, filling a vacancy. Making the Pöllatal car-free is another of the head of the municipality's plans: "The Tschutschu-Bahn should collect guests directly in the village, so that the center is revitalized." This requires parking spaces. These are to be created on the B99.

Battle for a petrol station
Talks are rather negative when it comes to the desired filling station. "E-pumps are not the problem, but fossil fuel pumps are. They would be particularly necessary for our town, which is located directly on the A10," says Aschbacher.

In addition to residential construction projects that have already been completed, assisted living is on the agenda for the coming years. "There are also good talks with our only local supplier about the future," says Aschbacher happily. "And our school center will also finally have a childminder."

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