"Can't be true"

TV pundit talks himself into a rage after European Championship match

17.06.2024 05:49

Clear words from Christoph Kramer! After the European Championship match between England and Serbia (1:0), the German world champion took the two teams apart.

The English national team started the European Championship in Germany with a narrow victory. Team boss Gareth Southgate's side defeated Serbia 1:0 (1:0) in Gelsenkirchen on Sunday evening to top Group C after round one. In the second half of the game, the English left the Serbs in command, which ZDF pundit Christoph Kramer could not understand. "I've been watching England every time for six years and I don't know what they want to do. They let themselves fall so far behind. With this world squad, you could make it easier for yourself," said the Gladbach professional.

Christoph Kramer didn't like the game between England and Serbia at all. (Bild: ZDF)
Christoph Kramer didn't like the game between England and Serbia at all.

"England's market value is one and a half billion euros. That can't be the claim - with all due respect. That can't be true," he added.

And: "Phil Foden, Bukayo Saka, Jude Bellingham, Harry Kane - they want the ball. And then they run after Serbia for 45 minutes. That can't be any fun!"

Anger at Serbia's wall tactics
But the TV pundit was also displeased with Serbia's wall tactics in the first half. "I can tell you that only one person was actually talking behind the scenes. And that for 45 minutes. Chris Kramer talked himself into a rage," said presenter Jochen Breyer. "For 45 minutes! Why?" Kramer: "I have a lot of understanding for what happens on the soccer pitch. I also know that it always looks much easier on television. But what I can't watch is when it's so despondent and every ball is shot into the night sky." One thing is certain: from Kramer's point of view, England and Serbia still have a lot of room for improvement ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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