"We're not giving up"

Despite defeat: What gives ÖFB opponents Poland hope

17.06.2024 06:28

A rollercoaster of emotions! Five days before the clash against the ÖFB team in Group D, outsiders Poland put up a respectable fight in their 2-1 defeat to the Netherlands, even without star striker Robert Lewandowski. The hoped-for point only disappeared into thin air in the 83rd minute on Sunday, giving the Poles hope.

"We showed that we can play very good soccer. We had our chances," said team boss Michal Probierz, under whom the Polish national team lost for the first time in their ninth competitive match. "I told my players not to let their heads drop, to keep their chins up." The imminent return of goalscorer, captain, record player and superstar Lewandowski, who sat on the bench in Hamburg's Volksparkstadion with a torn muscle fiber, also gives confidence in the Polish camp.

Lewandowski about to return
The former world footballer could therefore be back on the pitch in the landmark clash against the ÖFB team in Berlin on Friday (6pm/live in the sportkrone.at ticker). "Robert Lewandowski is regaining his strength and will hopefully play against Austria," announced Probierz at the post-match press conference. Earlier, substitute Adam Buksa had given Poland the lead in the 16th minute with a powerful header from a corner kick. The 27-year-old, who was loaned to Antalyaspor by Lens last season, actually only occupies fourth place in the Polish striker hierarchy.

Lewandowski substitute Adam Buksa (number 16) (Bild: AFP/APA/GABRIEL BOUYS)
Lewandowski substitute Adam Buksa (number 16)

However, injuries to Lewandowski, Karol Swiderski and Arkadiusz Milik forced Buksa into the starting eleven. He therefore sought advice from Lewandowski before the opening match. "We spoke before the game and he gave me a few tips. He's the best player in our team. He helps us all, including me," said Buksa. It remains to be seen whether the brother of Aleksander Buksa (21), most recently a striker for WSG Tirol, will also be in the starting eleven against Austria.

The same applies to Bartosz Salomon, who had to be substituted due to a foot injury. However, central defender Pawel Dawidowicz will probably be an option for the starting eleven again. Against the Netherlands, Probierz's squad, loudly cheered on by their own fans, repeatedly made offensive pinpricks. It was only in defense that holes were occasionally revealed against the Dutch combination play.

Additional rest day "no advantage"
In any case, hopes of advancing to the round of 16 are not yet dead in Poland. "We are not giving up. We will do everything and fight to advance," Probierz assured. "We still have something to prove and will be even stronger. We haven't said our last word yet." The fact that his team has an extra day's rest before the second group game is not an advantage for him. "Austria will be very well prepared."

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