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Win VIP tickets for Prater concert!

18.06.2024 05:00

Experience the magic of a summer night with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and win 3x2 VIP tickets for the concert on June 28 in the Vienna Prater. Enjoy an unforgettable musical experience in the open air with a picnic and first-class music - exclusively with the "Krone"!

The Vienna Symphony Orchestra promises an evening full of musical enjoyment and a summery atmosphere on June 27 and 28. Under the direction of conductor Dirk Kaftan and with star soprano Annette Dasch, the symphony orchestra will present a varied program ranging from Johann Strauss to Mikis Theodorakis and Carl Michael Ziehrer.

Both concerts take place on the Kaiserwiese in the Prater, where you can spread out your blanket, take a seat, unpack your picnic basket and then enjoy the most beautiful melodies with your meal. This has long been a tradition at the opening of the Vienna Summer of Culture.

(Bild: Akos Burg)
(Bild: ORF)

An evening full of highlights
The concert program includes well-known works such as "Zorba's Dance", "Danzon No. 2" by Arturo Márquez and many more. The combination of classical music, the idyllic backdrop of the Prater and the unique open-air atmosphere makes this evening a very special experience. At the end of the concert, pop singer Julian le Play will delight the audience with his songs and provide an unforgettable finale.

Sweet violins: When the symphony orchestra invites you to the Prater, summer shows itself from its most beautiful side. (Bild: Akos Burg)
Sweet violins: When the symphony orchestra invites you to the Prater, summer shows itself from its most beautiful side.

Take part now and win
Take your chance now and win 3x2 VIP tickets for the Prater Picnic Concert on June 28 (concert starts at 19:30). Don't miss out on this unique event and enjoy a wonderful summer evening in the best seats right by the stage! The winners will have access to the guest lounge under their name via the guest lounge entrance. The closing date for entries is June 23.

The competition is closed, thank you for your numerous entries!

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