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“Fuck Putin”: Rod Stewart booed in Leipzig

17.06.2024 12:42

Pop legend Rod Stewart has now been booed for his solidarity with Ukraine on his farewell tour in Germany of all places. The singer will be stopping off at the Stadthalle in Vienna on July 2.

According to several German media reports, the mood at a concert by the soon-to-be 80-year-old in Leipzig turned sour when he shouted the words "Fuck Putin" into the crowd and accompanied his hit "Rhythm Of My Heart" on the screen with images of the war in Ukraine.

Boos and whistles
At the end, he also played footage of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj, in front of whose picture he saluted.

Concertgoers shared pictures and videos on X and reported that Stewart received boos and was booed because of this.

Stewart irritated
Stewart is said to have reacted with clear irritation to the fans' reaction and only uttered "Thank you for being so kind". The concert hall is said not to have really got going after that.

In other cities, such as Copenhagen, his anti-war performance was applauded according to the FAZ.

"One Last Time": Rod Steward is currently on his farewell tour through Europe. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Torben Christensen)
"One Last Time": Rod Steward is currently on his farewell tour through Europe.

Leipzig was obviously the worst place ever to stir up sentiment against Russia. In the European elections, the pro-Russia AfD became the strongest party in the city.

Under the tour motto "Live In Concert - One Last Time", the Scottish pop musician is currently touring Europe, stopping off at the Stadthalle in Vienna on July 2. The 79-year-old ("Sailing", "Baby Jane", "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?") has his greatest hits in his luggage.

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