Innovations in the museum

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18.06.2024 19:18

Researchers from Lower Austria are currently taking center stage at the Technical Museum in Vienna - and yet are being placed in the corner: The so-called Innovation Corner showcases the achievements of local scientists. And aims to whet the appetite for more.

From simple circulatory problems of astronauts in zero gravity, the sudden "freezing of the legs" in Parkinson's patients and the use of proteins as medicines to DNA tests to determine drug intolerances and the early detection of pandemic risks in viruses. The broad spectrum of young medical research in Lower Austria is now being given a wide stage. Tecnet, the state's technology company, is presenting local start-ups and their international successes in this field in the Innovation Corner of the Technical Museum in Vienna.

Exhibition aims to arouse curiosity
"Short, crisp and heartfelt" was how Johanna Mikl-Leitner described the design of this special exhibition at the opening: "It's about showing what our research can achieve and how its findings can be put to commercial use." Tecnet boss Doris Agneter emphasized another aspect: "We want to present science in a way that arouses curiosity."

Mikl-Leitner had Agneter and Diehl explain the innovations at the Technical Museum in Vienna. (Bild: Ben Leitner)
Mikl-Leitner had Agneter and Diehl explain the innovations at the Technical Museum in Vienna.

The Lower Austrian exhibitions in the Innovation Corner - before the medical area, the topics of agricultural and space technology were already on the program - thus perfectly implemented the so-called third mission: the transfer of research results to society and the economy. A high-caliber panel of experts from local universities and Barbara Diehl from the German Agency for Leap Innovations agreed on this at the opening.

And the success so far proves them right: "By the fall, half a million visitors will have seen the Lower Austrian Innovation Corner," said Peter Aufreiter. General Director of the Technical Museum, took stock in advance. The Innovation Corner from Lower Austria can be seen at the Vienna Museum of Technology until September 29.

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