New Ducks player

“It felt like God was guiding me”

17.06.2024 20:30

Ducks quarterback Hamish McClure has settled in quickly in Salzburg.First impressions were positive for the devout Yank.Future still uncertain for him and coaching team.

"A great win, everyone took the next step," beamed Neo Ducks quarterback Hamish McClure after the 30-14 win over the Raiders Tirol. It was the first triumph in a Salzburg jersey for the US American - who was signed to replace the injured Kris Denton. "Everyone came up to me right at the start, they gave me a great reception. I'm happy to be part of this community," says the playmaker, who feels he's in the right place.

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It felt like God had led me here, the next opportunity just came at the perfect time.

Hamish McClure

He also likes it at first sight: "I haven't had much time to see the city yet, but what I have seen is beautiful." Before deciding on the city of Mozart, he also sought advice from the very top: "It felt like God had led me here, the next opportunity just came at the perfect time."

Coach Francesco Lanzani (Bild: Stefan Müller)
Coach Francesco Lanzani

There is still one game left this season (the Danube Dragons are the guests on July 6). Whether the 25-year-old will remain a Duck after that remains to be seen. Just like the question of the vacant coaching position. Francesco Lanzani and Fabian Birkholz, who were both previously on the coaching staff, have taken over on an interim basis. The Mozartstädter have only lost once under the duo. They climbed out of the basement in the table.

This raises the question: Does Salzburg even need to fill the position? "Nothing has been decided yet. We are simply preparing for the last game of the season," explained Birkholz.

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