Ars Electronica Linz

Golden Nica for climate project and escape routes

18.06.2024 14:00

The Linz media festival Ars Electronica takes place this year from September 4 to 8 in PostCity Linz. The Prix Ars Electronica attracted 2950 submissions from all over the world. The winners have now been chosen and four Golden Nicas will be awarded. A young man from Salzburg wins in the youth category.

"The cover-up tactics of the big oil industry - and many political bodies and companies - are so difficult to see through that many people feel powerless," says Beatie Wolf, an artist from England. She receives a Golden Nica at the Prix Ars Electronica for her internet project "Smoke and Mirrors", in which she contrasts the oil industry's advertising slogans with true climate facts.

This top award also goes to the Frenchwoman Diane Cescutti (Interactive Art), the AI expert Paul Trillo (US) and the young Salzburg native Jakob Gruber. The 17-year-old computer geek came out on top in the youth category against 362 entries. His animation "Floods of Freedom" revolves around the escape routes across the Mediterranean.

Ars Electronica is an international hotspot for media art (Bild: hugo glendinning)
Ars Electronica is an international hotspot for media art

Nicas will not be presented until the fall
A total of 2950 entries from 95 countries were submitted for this year's Prix Ars Electronica. These and other award-winning projects can be seen as part of the Ars Electronica Festival from September 4 to 8 with the theme "Hope".

It will take place once again in Postcity at Linz Central Station, as we have already reported. The Golden Nicas will be presented on Thursday, September 5 at the Design Center.

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