Twice at the Happel

AC/DC: Rock’n’Roll Express comes to Vienna

20.06.2024 09:00

Australian cult rockers AC/DC will be filling Vienna's Ernst Happel Stadium twice these days. On June 23 and 26, Angus Young and co. will be pulling out all the stops from 51 years of the band's career - possibly for the very last time in our climes.

It has been eight years since AC/DC last sailed their "rock'n'roll train" to Vienna and caused a sensation in the Ernst Happel Stadium. Back then, Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose stepped in for Brian Johnson, who was ill, and delivered a brilliant show.

A true religion
Thanks to the development of a special hearing aid, Johnson is now back again and, together with the tireless school uniform wearer Angus Young, forms the axis of the Australian cult rockers, who have long since developed into a real religion for their fans over the more than 50 years of their career.

On June 23 and 26, thousands of red devil horns will be flashing twice at the Happel Stadium when the distinctive bells ring out during "Hells Bells" and immortal top hits from "Back In Black" and "Have A Drink On Me" to "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" and the song of the century "Highway To Hell" can be heard.

Big hit show
On their current European tour, AC/DC are focusing entirely on their greatest hits, but will also be including one or two songs from their current studio album "Power Up", which made a striking statement in 2020. A great opportunity for fans to perhaps see their iconic heroes live in action for the very last time ...

There are still a few tickets left for the two "Krone" top concerts on June 23 and 26 at the Happel Stadium at

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read the original article here.

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