Franz Senn Hut

Posse about access to a new high point

18.06.2024 08:00

The municipality of Neustift in the Tyrolean Stubai Valley is not responding to letters of complaint from the Innsbruck Alpine Association, while a mountain hut community wants extra money for trips to the Oberberg Valley. The hut warden speaks of a "scandal".

First the good news: the Franz Senn hut near Neustift has reopened regularly. However, day guests are likely to remain largely absent this year. The reason: the emergency route from Seduck to Oberiss is still closed to the general public - despite a crisis summit with LHStv. Josef Geisler (ÖVP). Day trippers therefore have to take twice as long a walk to the well-known refuge - an almost impossible undertaking, especially for families with children.

Free access only for tenants and suppliers
"As things stand at the moment, only hut tenants and suppliers are allowed to drive to Oberiss via the emergency road," says Winfried Schatz, hut warden of the Innsbruck Alpine Club, which owns the Senn Hut. The Alpine Association also wants free access for e-bikers and organic bikers as well as cabs and shuttle services.

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On Monday, we sent the third lawyer's letter on the matter to the municipality. The previous two letters were not answered.

Winfried Schatz, Hüttenwart Alpenverein Innsbruck

Alpine pasture community wants to ask for payment
However, the Stöckler and Schallergrubalpe Alpine pasture community is currently preventing this. The enterprising members subsequently intervened in the negotiations and are demanding financial compensation through cab and shuttle services.

Third lawyer's letter to the municipality
The municipality of Neustift is called upon in this context, emphasizes the Alpine Association. However, it has already left two legal letters from the Alpine Club on the subject unanswered. "We sent the third letter on Monday. It is once again friendly," says Schatz in an interview with the "Krone".

What is the legal basis for closing the valley trail?
"In the letter, we demand access for cyclists and public transport," the hut warden explains. The Alpine Club also wants to finally know on what legal basis the main path through the Oberbergtal is actually closed. As reported, the Alpine Club has had a risk assessment carried out. According to the expert, a trip to Oberiss poses no greater risk than any other trip in the Stubai Valley. In any case, there is no basis for closing the trail - which is actually passable.

"The mayor does nothing"
"The mayor is doing nothing, the matter is now a scandal," rages Schatz. And he thinks about the bigger picture: "If landowners everywhere in Tyrol were to block paths in valleys, we would no longer have any tourism."

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