Action and education

Playing and learning through the vacations at summer camp

18.06.2024 08:00

Minecraft, action or herbalism - the summer camps in Carinthia offer a wide range of childcare activities.

Nine weeks of summer vacations present many parents with a huge challenge in terms of childcare. But as demand has grown, so has the range on offer: there are now more than 100 vacation camps and courses listed in Carinthia, offering children of different age groups a varied summer program.

In Klagenfurt, for example, the Junior University is already a fixed point for girls and boys from the age of seven who are interested in computers. Computer scientist Felix Wallner teaches his students all about Python, the programming language behind the popular Minecraft game. There are still places available at Lakeside Park from July 15 to 19.

Playful approach to education on the computer. (Bild: zVg/
Playful approach to education on the computer.

The Educational Summer Labs for young researchers start the following week, also at Lakeside Park, while computer science workshops are also offered at the University of Klagenfurt. There are more sporty nature weeks such as an Alpine Explorer Camp in Fragrant, an Adventure Week with survival training in Techelsberg, a circus camp in Flattach or a Bambini Tennis Week for the little ones in Moosburg.

There is also an offer for little herbalists in St. Veit. (Bild: Evelyn Hronek/EVELYN HRONEK)
There is also an offer for little herbalists in St. Veit.

A youth camp for young detectives promises thrills of a different kind, while a children's herb workshop starts at Hunnenbrunn Castle. The Carinthian Chamber of Commerce also offers the best overview this year here.

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