Krone Fanzone on tour

Mario Haas made the fans’ hearts beat faster

18.06.2024 06:45

In the "Krone" fan zone in Seiersberg-Pirka, only red-white-red could be seen at our team's premiere. Sturm legend and former ÖFB striker Haas was right in the middle of the party. The next opportunity will be on Friday.

Watching Gemma EURO - that was of course also the motto yesterday at the stop of the "Krone" fan zone on tour at the smartly redesigned main square in Seiersberg-Pirka. There was something for everyone in front of the large Vidiwall: food and drink for the hungry and thirsty, cool "Krone" goodies for every EURO fan, deckchairs (in the initially midsummer temperatures) for the tired under the sun - and of course the finest soccer action including the Austrian premiere at the EURO against France.

Naturally, the mayor's heart was also smiling despite the bitter defeat against the French. "We are happy that we are able to organize such an event together with the Krone - we are ready for a new edition," laughed Werner Baumann, dressed in red-white-red like almost all the guests.

Celebrating with the legend
Among those crossing their fingers: Sturm legend and former ÖFB team striker Mario Haas. For the "Bomber", the opening match of the Austrians in the "Krone" fan zone against the French was of course a matter of honor as a former France legionnaire.

"Of course it's cool. After my time with Strasbourg, I keep getting invitations to visit the club again. It hasn't worked out so far. But let's wait and see how we do. Maybe I'll go to France soon with the Austria jersey," laughed "Super Mario" and fulfilled the next autograph and selfie requests.

Good atmosphere in Seiersberg
Of course, the winners of our "Krone" competition had the best view of the action. With food and drink and a reserved seat in the front row, Thomas Stückler and Co. wanted for nothing. "A great evening for us, we're right next door at home," laughed the winner, whose kids, dressed in full Austrian regalia with flag costumes, created a great atmosphere with the other guests on the main square.

Krone Fanzone on tour

  • Austria's first EURO match was a complete success in the Krone fan zones at the public viewings. In addition to Seiersberg-Pirka, Kapfenberg's main square was also the venue for the first red-white-red EURO party. Despite the bitter defeat.
  • Kapfenberg remains the center of the "Krone" public viewings during the EURO, with live matches, culinary delights and entertainment in Upper Styria on every single match day.
  • But the mobile "Fanzone on tour" is not stopping for a long time yet, as we will be making a stop at the Seifenfabrik in Graz next Friday. Star guests such as Mario Haas, Michael Liendl and Jakob Jantscher will be there. The fan zone, which is well cooled in the heat or well protected in the rain, is open from 5pm.

Together with the "Krone", the event and advertising agency "Tiqa" organizes the public viewings in Styria. Having traveled directly from the event in Kapfenberg, Tiqa Managing Director Christoph Wegscheider also made sure he didn't miss the spectacle southwest of Graz.

It continues in Graz on Friday
"A super event, unfortunately I quickly tore up my betting slip, I bet 4:1 for Belgium (note: 0:1 against Slovakia)." In the end, however, Wegscheider had ticked off his bad betting luck and was just happy about a great public viewing party. "I am very happy that we can bring soccer to the people in all regions of Styria together with the Kronen Zeitung." Don't worry, the action continues on Friday!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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