EURO in the ticker:

Scotland v Switzerland – LIVE from 9pm

19.06.2024 05:00

Second matchday in EURO Group A: Scotland face Switzerland, we report live. Current score: 1:0 for Scotland.

Here is the live ticker:

Switzerland's ticket to the round of 16 is already on the line in Cologne. With a victory over the Scots, who were overstretched and disappointing in their opening match against Germany, the Swiss can secure their place in the knockout round if Hungary does not surprise them in the afternoon match against the EURO hosts. However, six points would probably also be enough to advance as one of the four best third-placed teams in the group.

"Will fight for every ball"
The Swiss started the tournament with an unchallenged 3:1 win against Hungary and now want to settle the question of promotion before the clash with Germany. However, they will not be lulled into a false sense of security by the Scots' poor performance in the opener. "They will fight for every ball - we know the spirit of the team," said midfielder Vincent Sierro.

The captain also expects real resistance. "We watched the Germany game. We were surprised by Scotland's performance, they didn't do much. But they have top players in the top leagues and Wednesday will be a different game," said Granit Xhaka, who prepared with his colleagues on the substitute pitch. Because the pitch at the Waldau Stadium was causing problems, they changed to the VfB Stuttgart training pitch, a good 30-minute drive from the hotel.

Granit Xhaka (Bild: AFP)
Granit Xhaka

Scotland will be looking to make amends and must score points to keep their chances of advancing for the first time in their twelfth appearance at a major finals alive. At the weekend, the first task was to come to terms with the 5-1 opening defeat. "Kick a few butts, give them a few strokes, make the players understand why the Germany result happened and make sure it doesn't happen again," explained Steve Clarke. "There are no excuses when you lose a game 5-1. We did a lot of things wrong and we have to put it right," emphasized the team boss.

He was under no illusions about the starting position. "We know that we need four points in the next two games," said Clarke. Three points would probably not be enough due to the poor goal difference, so "no losing" is the order of the day against Switzerland. A difficult task, Clarke knows: "People always look at the Swiss and think they're a small soccer nation. But they're always there at the big tournaments."

Time for new memories
Scotland haven't won a game at a European Championship finals for 28 years - their last win to date was 1-0 against Switzerland in 1996. "We've given the fans great memories in the past. But now it's time to create new ones. We believe we can do it, but we have to show it," said Kieran Tierney.

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