Decision made

How Engelhorn’s millions will be distributed

18.06.2024 10:27

After lengthy deliberations, the "Good Council for Redistribution" set up by millionaire heiress Marlene Engelhorn has come to a decision on how the assets should be distributed: The approximately 25 million euros will be given to 77 organizations.

The money will go to initiatives that focus on climate and the environment, affordable housing, health and social issues as well as integration and education, the committee explained at a press conference on Tuesday.

Money should have a long-term effect
The public distribution of Engelhorn's assets was decided solely by the committee, a council of 50 citizens, with diversity playing an important role. This should "represent a reflection of Austrian society", as project manager Alexandra Wang emphasized.

The assets of millionaire heiress Engelhorn will be distributed among 77 organizations. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
The assets of millionaire heiress Engelhorn will be distributed among 77 organizations.
Council members Elisabeth Klein, Dietmar Feurstein, Kyrillos Gadalla, Angelika Taferner and project manager Alexandra Wang presented the results. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
Council members Elisabeth Klein, Dietmar Feurstein, Kyrillos Gadalla, Angelika Taferner and project manager Alexandra Wang presented the results.

During the distribution, the focus was on questions such as the seriousness of the organizations and how the money could be used in such a way that it would have a long-term effect. To a certain extent, a "market research" was carried out and then a decision was made to the best of their knowledge and belief, they said on Tuesday. The exact 24.9 million euros are not to be distributed in one go, but over several years, Wang emphasized. This was to ensure a certain degree of predictability for the supported initiatives.

Contrary to the original intention?
Doesn't the mere distribution contradict the concerns of the 32-year-old millionaire, who vehemently advocates inheritance and wealth taxes? Project manager Wang denied this at the press conference. Because there are no such taxes, Engelhorn initiated the council and gave her power to the 50 citizens. "She wanted this process. For her, the redistribution of her money is the solution to a problem that she as an individual should not have to solve. Politicians should. But the politicians are not in agreement with her request," says Wang. However, the Council also admitted that it had been under time pressure when making its decision.

Engelhorn herself did not speak at the press conference. She deliberately wanted to keep her distance and "not steal the show" from the council, as was said at the press conference. The millionaire heiress herself is planning to enter working life. In a written press statement a short time later, Engelhorn commented on the result: "A large part of my inherited wealth, which through my birth has elevated me to a position of power that contradicts every democratic principle, has now been redistributed in accordance with democratic values."

1.6 million for "free nature purchase"
The largest chunk, around 1.6 million, will go to the Austrian Nature Conservation Association. The money will be used to support its "free nature purchase" initiative. Near-natural areas such as alluvial forests and moors are to be purchased and thus protected. "They need a lot of money, quite simply," explained council member Angelika Taferner about the large amount.

Engelhorn's legacy

From A for "Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser" to Z for "Zack&Poing - Verein zur Förderung der Artistik, Bewegungskunst und Kultur" - Marlene Engelhorn's money will be distributed to these organizations.

In second place is the Viennese homeless shelter neunerhaus with 1.59 million. The list includes large and renowned aid organizations such as Caritas, Diakonie and Volkshilfe, women's shelters and street newspapers, Reporters Without Borders, fire departments, the Momentum Institute and IG Demokratie. Smaller, less well-known initiatives and theater projects are also supported. The full list is available on the website

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