Getting worse and worse!

Bill Kaulitz drives himself “crazy” before performances

18.06.2024 16:00

You might think he's an absolute pro when it comes to stage presence and performances. But: Bill Kaulitz, singer of the band Tokio Hotel, is nervous before his performances even after many years on stage. Not only that - the nervousness is getting worse!

"Well, it's getting a little bit worse because my excitement increases as I get older," the 34-year-old told the German Press Agency in an interview.

He has the feeling that his nerves are getting thinner and thinner. The singer's band became famous almost 20 years ago with the song "Durch den Monsun".

"Sometimes I feel like I'm going to faint"
Excitement used to be no problem for Kaulitz, he said. "As a kid, you could put me in front of a million people. I didn't give a shit about any of that. Now you kind of have more to lose," said the singer.

The twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz became famous as teenagers through their band Tokio Hotel. Tom is now married to model Heidi Klum. (Bild: APA/dpa/Henning Kaiser)
The twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz became famous as teenagers through their band Tokio Hotel. Tom is now married to model Heidi Klum.

His many years on stage have also taught him what can go wrong. "And that's why I drive myself completely crazy before a performance like this. Beforehand, I sometimes feel like I'm going to faint."

A series about Kaulitz and his twin brother Tom will be released on Netflix on June 25. In "Kaulitz & Kaulitz", they give private insights into their life in Hollywood. The brothers grew up in Magdeburg and emigrated to the USA in 2010.

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