Before National Council elections

Van der Bellen does not want to confirm any top posts

18.06.2024 10:56

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen wants to put a stop to strategic appointments by the Greens and the ÖVP before the National Council elections. As of July 9, he will no longer confirm any top posts, it was announced on Tuesday.

According to a report by Ö1, the head of state does not want to prejudge the next federal government. In plain language: this is to prevent the Turquoise-Greens from quickly filling top positions with people of trust.

Who is affected by the lockdown
Section, group or department head positions are affected by the freeze. This does not apply to completely new authorities that need a head. Van der Bellen will certainly confirm the appointments here, for example for the Federal Crisis Manager and his deputy. Of course, the coalition has not yet reached an agreement on this.

SPÖ demands further freeze on posts
The SPÖ is calling for an even more far-reaching freeze on appointments. Foreign policy spokesperson Petra Bayr wants Van der Bellen to put the brakes on the appointments to the foreign policy institutions that Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) put out to tender last week. In a press release, she accuses the head of department of having party-political motives for the appointments to the Austrian Development Agency, the Austrian Institute and the Diplomatic Academy.

Last week, the government set September 29 as the date for the National Council elections in the Council of Ministers.

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