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Experience Rod Stewart live in the Stadthalle

18.06.2024 18:29

Experience the legendary Rod Stewart live at the Wiener Stadthalle! On July 2, 2024, the British rock star will be making a guest appearance in Vienna as part of his "One Last Time" tour, and the "Krone" is giving away 15x2 tickets for this unforgettable concert. Take your chance and secure the coveted tickets!

British rock star Rod Stewart, known for his distinctive voice and rousing stage shows, will be performing his greatest hits on this evening. Songs such as "The First Cut Is The Deepest", "Some Guys Have All The Luck" and "Sailing" are on the program as well as his own classics "Maggie May", "Baby Jane" and "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?". At 79 years old, Sir Rod still sweeps across the stage full of verve and provides unforgettable moments.

Sir Rod as he lives and breathes: even at 79, the Brit still sweeps across the stages of this world with great verve and vigor. The gigs in Austria have always been very special for him. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Torben Christensen)
Sir Rod as he lives and breathes: even at 79, the Brit still sweeps across the stages of this world with great verve and vigor. The gigs in Austria have always been very special for him.

Rod Stewart has already delivered numerous memorable performances in Austria, and he promises a great show this time too. As the musician revealed to the "Krone", he always sleeps in the same hotel in Vienna where Winston Churchill once stayed - a cherished tradition for the superstar.

Take part and win
Experience an unforgettable evening full of music and emotion with Rod Stewart. The "Krone" is giving away 15x2 tickets for the sold-out concert on July 2 at the Wiener Stadthalle. Simply fill in the form below and with a little luck you will be there live when the British rocker gets the Stadthalle shaking. The closing date for entries is June 26, 23:59.

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