Doctor explains:

How Kate survived chemotherapy without losing her hair

18.06.2024 15:43

Princess Kate put up a brave fight at King Charles' birthday parade at the weekend. It was the 42-year-old's first public appearance since her shocking cancer diagnosis. You couldn't tell that Prince William's wife is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Doctors explain how Kate is surviving the treatment without losing her hair.

Princess Catherine made an almost perfect appearance at her first public appearance at Trooping the Color after her cancer diagnosis in a black and white sailor dress by Jenny Packham.

The chemotherapy doesn't seem to have affected Prince William's wife, at least visually. Even her hair, which she wore in an updo under a hat by Philip Treacy, looked as full as ever. Some Royal fans must have been surprised by this.

Princess Kate and Prince William with their children Prince Luis and Princess Charlotte (Bild: Peters / PA)
Princess Kate and Prince William with their children Prince Luis and Princess Charlotte

Does Kate have chemotherapy "that hardly causes any hair to fall out"?
However, chemotherapy nowadays does not necessarily mean that patients lose their hair. It all depends on the medication. Cancer expert Prof. Wolfgang Janni from Ulm University Hospital told Bild: "There are now actually chemotherapies where hardly any hair falls out, or where the hair loss is so slight that you can't see it."

Princess Kate looked simply stunning in her first public appearance since the diagnosis. (Bild:
Princess Kate looked simply stunning in her first public appearance since the diagnosis.
Princess Kate and Prince William at Trooping the Color (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Alberto Pezzali)
Princess Kate and Prince William at Trooping the Color

According to the expert, supportive therapy could also have contributed to Kate having little or no hair loss. So-called cooling caps play a role here, in which a cooling cap is placed on the patient's head during chemotherapy.

Trooping the color: Hairpieces could have complemented Kate's hair
If the 42-year-old did lose some hair, she may have used a simple trick on Saturday. "It looks like Kate is wearing hairpieces that have been inserted into her existing hair to make it look fuller and artfully added to," a hairdresser told Bild.

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