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Digital office to become more transparent

18.06.2024 12:54

In future, it will also be possible to prove one's identity digitally - using the "eAusweise" app. This was announced by State Secretary for Digitalization Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP) at a press conference on Tuesday (see video above). The digital office is also to become more transparent.

For example, as of today (Tuesday), it is now possible to see what data is stored about you in ID Austria. "This is another step towards transparency," said Plakolm. In future, it will also be possible to change the data directly in the app.

The driving license, registration certificate and proof of age are already digital in the "eAusweise" app. This should make identity checks more efficient. "The police also check this with an app - this speeds up vehicle checks and our police are modern, effective and equipped for the times," explained Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP).

State Secretary for Digitalization Claudia Plakolm (Bild: APA/Helmut Fohringer)
State Secretary for Digitalization Claudia Plakolm

ID card to follow
The paperless ID card will also play a major role in the private lives of Austrians, said Johannes Lipper from the company SKITATA, which is responsible for developing the necessary software. The services could be purchased from home and used on the go on a smartphone. From 2026, the digital proof of identity will also serve as an ID card within the EU.

The "eAusweise" app has been available since October 2022 and has been downloaded around 1.5 million times since then. More than 600,000 citizens use the digital driving license, slightly fewer (400,000) use the registration certificates and proof of age (250,000).

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