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18.06.2024 13:09

Is Kylian Mbappe's nose more serious than initially thought? According to ESPN, the Frenchman will probably have to sit out the game against the Netherlands and his chances of playing against Poland are also in doubt.

One report follows the next. After Mbappe collided with ÖFB defender Kevin Danso in the European Championship match against Austria on Monday, the federation announced the breaking news that same evening: The nation's nose is broken.

Ideas for masks?
While there was initially talk of an operation, French media gave the all-clear shortly afterwards. Mbappe would play the remaining group games with a mask, and the star striker himself joked on X. "Any ideas for masks," the Real Madrid newcomer tweeted on Tuesday night.

Now the new twist: ESPN quotes sources saying that he is not expected to play on Friday. The French team will probably be without their international star against the "Oranje", and his participation against Poland (Tuesday) is also questionable.

Kylian Mbappe's nose kisses Kevin Danso's shoulder. (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Kylian Mbappe's nose kisses Kevin Danso's shoulder.

However, RMC claims to have learned that Mbappe will definitely be in the starting line-up in Leipzig on Friday. It will probably only become clear in the next few days when the goalscorer will actually be ready for action again. One thing is for sure: there are few noses that are being reported on as much as the 25-year-old's.

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