Bridges swept away

South Tyrolean village evacuated due to mudslide

18.06.2024 13:25

After a mudslide in Val Badia in South Tyrol turned into a mudslide on Monday, 146 residents had to be evacuated from 56 houses in the village of Campill. However, they were able to return on Tuesday afternoon.

The mudslide rolled through the Seresbach towards Campill in the municipality of St. Martin in Thurn, causing considerable damage. The evacuation action from the threatened zone was a precautionary measure, the province of South Tyrol announced on Tuesday morning.

All-clear after reconnaissance flight
After a reconnaissance flight, in which Governor Arno Kompatscher also took part, it was clear: "Thanks to the efforts of many helpers and supporters and after a detailed analysis by the provincial geologists, we were able to give the all-clear".

The evacuated villagers had previously been accommodated with relatives and in gymnasiums. The situation will be reassessed at a civil protection meeting at 7 p.m., it was reported.

According to the mayor, the outbreak area of the mudslide covered around four hectares. A total of between 300,000 and 500,000 cubic meters of debris and mud rushed into the valley as a result of heavy rain. The mudslide slid down the bed of the stream. In addition to debris, stones, mud and water, it also carried uprooted trees - as well as large pieces of wood. It swept away several bridges and even a mill. The mudslide rolled down the valley at a speed of 100 meters per hour. The material shifted the main stream.

Mud entered houses
Despite the non-stop efforts of ten excavators and dozens of firefighters, it finally reached the village. Some of the muddy material penetrated into the houses. In addition to the fire department, state geologists and torrent engineers were on site. The latter had built a deflection dam made of concrete parts to protect the area.

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