"Monumental step"

Thailand legalizes same-sex marriage

18.06.2024 15:38

Thailand, which is already considered one of the most liberal countries in Southeast Asia, is now taking another "monumental step forward", as representatives of the LGBTQI community rejoice. This is because parliament has cleared the way for the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Following the Lower House, the Senate also voted in favor of a corresponding bill by a large majority on Tuesday, as reported by the media. According to the newspaper "Khaosod", 130 senators voted in favor, 4 against and 18 abstained. This would make Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia to introduce "marriage for all".

Large majority in Thai parliament in favor of same-sex marriage (Bild: APA/AFP/Lillian SUWANRUMPHA)
Large majority in Thai parliament in favor of same-sex marriage

The law must now be signed by King Maha Vajiralongkorn and could then come into force 120 days after publication in the official gazette. In Asia, only Taiwan and Nepal have so far enshrined the right to same-sex marriage in law.

"Husband and wife" become "spouses"
The new regulation provides for the words "men" and "women" as well as "husband" and "wife" to be replaced by words such as "persons" and "spouses" in the legal code. This will give LGBTQI couples access to all the legal, financial and medical rights of heterosexual couples.

Thailand as a popular destination for queer tourists
Thailand previously had a civil partnership law, but this did not include full legal marriage rights. Thailand is considered extremely liberal and open to transgender and homosexual people. It has long been one of the most popular destinations for queer tourists from all over the world.

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read the original article here.

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