"This is not on"

Escalation: Lignano pulls the emergency brake on “Tutto Gas”

18.06.2024 18:45

Ciao, "Tutto Gas": the recent Whitsun weekend full of escalations has caused the popular Italian seaside resort on the upper Adriatic to overflow. "We don't want this anymore!"

The medical emergency services were in constant use due to the corpses of alcoholics lying around, the police and security staff spoke of one of the worst Whitsun weekends - additionally spurred on by TV media hoping for ratings due to filmed escalation images, many party guests knew no bounds (the "Krone" reported in detail about the excesses).

The police were in constant operation in Lignano last Whitsun weekend. (Bild: Klaus Loibnegger)
The police were in constant operation in Lignano last Whitsun weekend.
Whether during the day or at night - the emergency services had to deal mainly with "alcohol corpses". (Bild: Klaus Loibnegger)
Whether during the day or at night - the emergency services had to deal mainly with "alcohol corpses".
"Tutto Gas" - in other words, drink till you drop - was once again the motto of the party guests who had traveled here. (Bild: Klaus Loibnegger)
"Tutto Gas" - in other words, drink till you drop - was once again the motto of the party guests who had traveled here.
After the beach parties, the people in charge and volunteers had their hands full for hours cleaning up the garbage and mess left behind. (Bild: Klaus Loibnegger)
After the beach parties, the people in charge and volunteers had their hands full for hours cleaning up the garbage and mess left behind.

And this despite the fact that Mayor Laura Giorgi has tightened the rules year after year - which have obviously had no effect. After the latest chaos, the mayor has had enough. "Thanks to numerous helpers, we have managed to get the town and the beach back in order in just a few hours early in the morning every day - but the mayor doesn't want all that anymore, nor do we all. It was too much," said the actually very tolerant tourism councillor Massimo Brini to the "Krone".

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This year it was simply too much - that's not on! Next year, Whitsun also falls in the peak season at the beginning of June, and we don't want to put our guests through that.

Lignanos Tourismusstadtrat Massimo Brini zur „Krone“

Alcohol only with a table seat
The "rules" for 2025 are to be discussed in the city senate in 14 days' time. Some of the ideas for de-escalation: an absolute ban on partying and binge drinking on beaches, serving alcohol only to restaurant and bar guests with table seats. In addition, the "Tutto Gas" guests who are still coming are to be lured out of the city and to the Luna Park area with possible alternative events. This is also where the annual, always peaceful biker festival takes place.

"We don't want to put our holidaymakers through this"
"Next year, Whitsun will also fall in the peak season at the beginning of June. And we don't want to put our holidaymakers through that." Bar and snack bar owners at the party hotspots are not happy about the announcements, hoteliers and restaurant owners won't care due to the season. And from a red-white-red point of view, you can probably do without drunks representing Austria with destruction, chaos and loud Josef Fritzl fan battle cries ...

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read the original article here.

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