Off to the World Professional Championships:

They even went to Australia for the training camp

18.06.2024 17:00

A Strobler and a Walser are representing Salzburg at the World Skills Championships. The two have been training for months. The structural engineer and the CNC lathe operator want to come home from France with gold.

Structural engineer Jonas Lev and CNC lathe operator Dominik Kovarik want to bring gold to Salzburg. The Strobler and the Walser have qualified as the best Austrian representatives in their apprenticeships: they will be traveling to Lyon, France, on September 10 for the 47th World Vocational Championships.

The two 21-year-olds have been training intensively for months to secure a victory. Jonas Lev was even on the other side of the world at the end of May. "We spent a week and a half in Melbourne, where there was an international trial competition. That's where you get to know yourself in stressful situations," laughs Jonas Lev.

He is a structural engineer at Bauservice Unterberger in Abersee am Wolfgangsee. "After my final apprenticeship exam, I was invited to the national bricklaying championships," says the 21-year-old, describing the first step on his way to the professional world championships.

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For the young skilled workers, taking part in the World Cup is a door opener. They get international job offers. But they almost always prefer to stay in their companies.

Jürgen Kraft, SkillsAustria GF

Levs' World Cup colleague Dominik Kovarik praises his job as a CNC lathe operator at W+H Dentalwerk in Bürmoos. He also qualified for France as the best in his category in the national championships. His training camp took place in Abu Dhabi. "I realized there where I still need to improve. The Koreans are the yardstick," says the Walser.

The team is traveling to the World Championships with its own doctor this year
The employers are giving the two medal hopefuls from Salzburg time off for all training sessions. "If you win employees, it makes it easier for you to recruit new people," explains Jürgen Kraft, Managing Director of the SkillsAustria association. He looks after the 47 Austrian participants on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. This year, they will not only come with a masseur and hairdresser, but also with their own doctor in a 124-strong team. The aim is to strengthen the image of apprenticeships by winning the World Championships.

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