After summit talks

Traffic jam relief: waiting for better block clearance

19.06.2024 08:00

The exit barriers on the Tauern freeway will remain in place during the vacations - as usual, a private security service will carry out the checks in Salzburg. The issue of the metering system and toll exemption continues to be a bone of contention.

Unsurprisingly, the congestion summit held on Monday in Salzburg did not produce a solution to the traffic problem on the Tauern freeway. The administration, provincial politicians and mayors only came together to coordinate ahead of the summer travel wave. As is well known, the renovation of the A10 tunnels between Golling and Werfen will be paused on June 28.

From this Saturday, the Werfen tunnel chain will be open to single-lane traffic in both directions. Next week, traffic will then be routed through all tunnels in two lanes. Nevertheless, there will soon be traffic jams. Hundreds of thousands of travelers from all over Europe clogged up the Tauern freeway even before the construction work.

Toll exemption and second traffic light
The main topic of discussion at the summit was the summer road closures. They apply from the start of the vacations until September. "Like last summer, the ÖWD will monitor the closures," according to the office of Provincial Councillor Stefan Schnöll (ÖVP). The police will support the security service.

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I will not stop calling for a toll exemption. Asfinag even earns money from the traffic jams on the A10.

Thomas Freylinger, Bürgermeister Kuchl (ÖVP)

However, there will be no toll exemption to send alternative traffic back onto the A10, as demanded by Kuchl's mayor Thomas Freylinger. Nor will there be another block clearance and a metering system at the Salzburg junction. For the time being. Tough talks are being held with the ministry. "Our wish would be to achieve this by September," says a Schnöll spokesperson.

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