Trump vs. Biden

This is how much US lobbies spend on election advertising

18.06.2024 16:51

According to research, the lobby of former US President Donald Trump has so far spent significantly more money on election advertising than that of Joe Biden. More than 25 million US dollars (equivalent to 23.26 million euros) was spent on television and online ads compared to 15 million (13.95 million euros) on other advertising.

These figures are based on documents from the Federal Election Commission. The lobby groups operate in addition to the candidates' actual election campaigns. The largest of these are known as Super Pacs - the abbreviation stands for "Political Action Committee". Among other things, these organizations place large-scale election advertisements, but are not allowed to coordinate with the candidate. Unlike the election campaigns, they are allowed to collect unlimited amounts of money.

At the end of April, Democrat Joe Biden's campaign reported that it had 84 million US dollars (equivalent to 78.14 million euros) in its campaign coffers, while the Trump camp reported 49 million US dollars (45.58 million euros) at the time. Both are due to present updated figures this Thursday.

More money than from the official campaign
For comparison: according to an insider, the largest Trump lobby organization has at least 93.7 million US dollars (87.16 million euros) at its disposal. So far, most of the money has been spent on television and online advertising opposing Biden's immigration policy and claiming that the US president is too old for a second term. In contrast, the largest Biden lobbying organization had 57 million US dollars (53.02 million euros) in its coffers at the end of April. They spent 15 of this on election advertising, whereas the Trump lobby has spent more than 25 million since March.

The presidential election is on November 5. Biden and Trump are currently close in the polls. However, Trump has a slight lead in some US states, which could be the deciding factor.

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