Marc D. threatened

US embassy remains silent on Viennese prisoner

19.06.2024 06:00

A 24-year-old Viennese was arrested in Florida at the end of April - after threats from fellow detainees, Marc D. now fears for his life. However, US representatives are more than indifferent to the case, responding to an inquiry from the "Krone" with an extremely terse statement.

In the United States of America, the presumption of innocence is guaranteed in the constitution and every defendant is guaranteed the right to a fair trial. The Viennese Marc D. has been in custody in Florida since the end of April, has not been provided with a public defender because he had a paltry 3000 US dollars in his travel funds, and is being threatened by fellow inmates. Grotesque in a supposed constitutional state.

Even if the allegations of abuse and abduction of a 15-year-old girl are serious - although the girl pretended to be 19 and pretended to love him - the protection of a red-white-red citizen should probably also play a role for the US authorities.

Austrians only a side note for Americans
However, the American embassy in Vienna is keeping quiet and does not comment on details of pending court proceedings. Moreover, domestic government officials have the right to look after Marc D.'s welfare, is the terse and cynical conclusion.

US Ambassador Victoria Kennedy likes to make an appearance at domestic cultural events. However, her diplomats are not really concerned about the welfare of an Austrian imprisoned in Florida. (Bild: Reinhard Holl)
US Ambassador Victoria Kennedy likes to make an appearance at domestic cultural events. However, her diplomats are not really concerned about the welfare of an Austrian imprisoned in Florida.

While Ambassador Victoria Kennedy recently honored the cozy summer night concert in Schönbrunn and was thus able to experience the advantages of her host country up close, the case of an Austrian under threat in her home country is only a diplomatic side note. Marc D.'s family must therefore continue to hope for a miracle ...

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