Climbing Home World Cup

The dress rehearsal for the longed-for Olympic gold

19.06.2024 10:00

The home World Cup in Innsbruck next week is one of the last tests for Austria's climbing stars. For local hero Jakob Schubert, it will be the only comparison with the top international lead climbers before he heads to the Olympic Games in Paris.

Just under a month before the Olympic Games, the Climbing World Cup will take place in Innsbruck from June 24 to 30. For Austria's already qualified stars Jakob Schubert and Jessica Pilz, it is the first test of form in lead climbing and also one of the last competitions before Paris.

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I don't care about the World Cups in Chamonix and Briançon - my big goal is the Olympics!

Jakob Schubert

Schubert and his big goal
Local hero Schubert won't be competing at all apart from his home World Cup. "I've done this for all major events in recent years so that I have a month for myself to train. I don't care about the World Cups in Chamonix and Briançon - my big goal is the Olympics!" said the 33-year-old.

The bronze medalist from Tokyo 2021 wants to go one better and win gold in the combination of lead climbing and bouldering. "Innsbruck is a yardstick, I want to prove that I'm in top form," said the reigning combined world champion.

Great anticipation
Jessica Pilz missed out on the first lead climbing World Cup. "I'm really looking forward to climbing in my second home," said the 27-year-old, who will then compete in Chamonix.

In Tokyo three years ago, she started with a handicap because she suffered a finger injury during preparation. "That was my biggest fear in preparation, that something like that would happen again. I'm now extra motivated for the Olympics and I'm slowly getting into shape in lead climbing," said the 2023 World Championship silver medalist in the combined event.

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