Singer arrested

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18.06.2024 19:56

Drunk behind the wheel - and apparently not too little - superstar Justin Timberlake (43) was arrested in the posh resort town of Sag Harbor on Long Island. A video (see above) shows the singer and actor driving under the influence. According to police sources, he could barely stand up straight when he was stopped ...

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, two police officers in a patrol car became aware of Timberlake because he had failed to obey a stop sign. When he was stopped, the singer had "glassy eyes" and clearly smelled of alcohol.

Failed the straight line test
The police officers let the singer out of the car, but Timberlake then clearly failed the so-called "field test", in which suspected drunk drivers are supposed to walk in a straight line and stand on one leg. He refused a quick test with the breathalyzer, whereupon the handcuffs clicked, reported "TMZ".

High society resides in tranquil Sag Harbour. (Bild: AP)
High society resides in tranquil Sag Harbour.
Luxury cars are practically part of the cityscape here. (Bild: AP)
Luxury cars are practically part of the cityscape here.

The husband of actress Jessica Biel has since been released. However, he has to appear in court and is charged with drunk driving.

Partying with friends in a hotel
Timberlake had been partying with friends at the American Hotel before presumably getting behind the wheel of his BMW under the influence of alcohol. Sag Harbour is located in the famous "Hamptons", where the rich and famous like to go on vacation - or set up a second or third home, such as Billy Joel, Julie Andrews or Alec Baldwin.

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