Ex-Veilchen Braunöder

“His journey is certainly far from over”

19.06.2024 09:00

Matthias Braunöder's permanent transfer to Como in Italy, including promotion to a top five league (Serie A), makes Austria very proud. Almost two million euros flowed to Vienna for Austria's U21 captain. The draw for Violett (Conference League) and Rapid (Europa League) will take place on Wednesday.

A passionate worker who has always done more off the pitch in the gym. There were very few sessions in which he didn't train well," said Austrias Christian Wegleitner, who will form a dual coaching team with Stephan Helm and resume training with Violett on June 24, in praise of Matthias Braunöder. He already spent a year and a half with the Young Violets in the 2nd division under Wegleitner. "He is a fighter who has also coped very well with setbacks. He joined the Young Violets in preparation, but played in the U18s because the competition was fierce and important playing minutes were paramount," Wegleitner explains.

The 22-year-old celebrated promotion to Serie A with Como. (Bild: ZVG)
The 22-year-old celebrated promotion to Serie A with Como.

He continues: "Once Matthias has won his place, he won't give it up!" The Austria U21 captain also showed this during his Como loan; in January, the 22-year-old moved to Italy, and Braunöder has always been in the starting eleven in the last nine league games, thus also playing a major role in the promotion to Serie A.

Christian Wegleitner will start training with Austria on June 24. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Christian Wegleitner will start training with Austria on June 24.

Which is why Como also took up the option to buy, paying a total of 1.8 million euros to Austria. Braunöder made 97 appearances for the professionals, scoring four goals and making his debut on 26 January 2021 in a 4-0 win against Admira. "I've known Matthias since he was a child, my son went to school and the LAZ with him. I'm extremely happy, it's an honor for all of us that an Austria child has made it into a top 5 league. This success also belongs to his whole family, who have always given him top support. One thing is for sure, his path is far from over and is just as exemplary for our talents who have their sights set on the dream of becoming a professional footballer," said a delighted Chief Financial Officer Harald Zagiczek.

Austrias Chief Financial Officer Harald Zagiczek. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Austrias Chief Financial Officer Harald Zagiczek.

Whose violets will find out their opponents for the second qualifying round of the Conference League on Wednesday. Rapid, who have permanently loaned Strunz to Altach, will also find out their opponents in the second qualifying round of the Europa League. For Grün-Weiß, the vacation ends on Sunday.

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