Against the West

Kim Jong Un emphasizes friendship with Putin

19.06.2024 07:48

Russian President Vladimir Putin is on a state visit to North Korea for the first time in 24 years. There he met the totalitarian head of government of the largely isolated state, Kim Jong Un. The latter promised Russia "unconditional support" in the war against Ukraine. Together they sealed a "strategic fortress" against the West and mutual "support" in the event of "aggression".

He fully and "unconditionally" supported the military operation in Ukraine, Kim said in Pyongyang on Wednesday, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. Kim had received Putin at Kim Il Sung Square in the North Korean capital. According to observers, the visit was primarily about further arms deliveries for the war against Ukraine.

"Mutual assistance"
The two rulers also signed a new treaty. "The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the contracting parties," Putin said on Wednesday, according to Russian news agencies. A phase of new prosperity is beginning for North Korea and Russia, Kim said.

According to Russian sources, the Kremlin leader invited Kim to a return visit - this time to Moscow, after the two last met in Vladivostok in Russia's Far East in September.

According to Putin, bilateral relations between the two countries had already been significantly expanded last year. The talks will focus not least on issues of economic cooperation and international security. Referring to his visit in 2000, the 71-year-old said that Pyongyang had developed into a beautiful capital.

North Korea supplies ammunition
Russia plays an important role in maintaining the "strategic balance", Kim explained. The communist country is subject to international sanctions due to its nuclear weapons and missile program, which have so far also been supported by the UN veto power Russia. During the war in Ukraine, North Korea helped the aggressor overcome shortages with extensive supplies of artillery ammunition, among other things. North Korean missiles were also fired at Ukrainian cities.

Pompous reception
Kim had already greeted Putin on his arrival at the airport the previous evening. The two internationally isolated heads of state embraced each other on the red carpet.

Negotiations were also planned on a larger scale between the delegations of the two countries. In addition to several joint meals, a wreath-laying ceremony and a joint concert visit have also been announced.

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