Several complaints

Kahlenberg cable car still up in the air

19.06.2024 11:00

The appeal period against the mega-project ends in just a few days. Opponents of the project are regrouping and have lodged several complaints with the Federal Administrative Court. The headwind is certainly getting rougher.

From Heiligenstadt to Danube Island North in just six minutes. Floridsdorf is connected to the U4 line. Direct access to two local recreation areas - the "Kahlenberg cable car" mega-project promises all of this.

But whether it will ever come to fruition is still written in the stars. More than a month ago, it was announced that the cable car would not have to undergo an environmental impact assessment (EIA) - we reported. Since then, the four-week period for possible appeals to the Federal Administrative Court has been running and will now end in a few days.

The Kahlenberg cable car is to be 5.6 kilometers long and will cross the Danube twice. (Bild: Krone KREATIV)
The Kahlenberg cable car is to be 5.6 kilometers long and will cross the Danube twice.

Opponents of the project now want to put up resistance
Project developer Hannes Dejaco must continue to expect a lot of headwind. Only private individuals and environmental organizations can lodge an appeal against the EIA decision. The nature conservation organization "Alliance for Nature", for example, continues to insist on an EIA and sees an impact on biodiversity, cultural heritage and the landscape. Secretary General Christian Schuhböck was one of the first to lodge a complaint.

The environmental organization VIRUS has also announced: "We have a right of appeal against such declaratory decisions and will make use of it," says Wolfgang Rehm. The complaint is already on the launch pad and will be finalized in the coming days. Rehm is very confident. According to environmental lawyer Iris Tichelmann, the Vienna Environmental Ombudsman's complaint is in the preparatory phase. Further details will be published in the next few days.

Park & Ride facility the size of the Ernst Happel Stadium
The project opponents around the citizens' initiative "Schützt den Wienerwald - Stopp Seilbahn auf den Kahlenberg" have also announced an appeal to the Federal Administrative Court, if necessary also to the Administrative Court. The legal representative of the citizens' initiative is the List law firm. According to local resident Hans Binder, the initiative in Schwarzlackenau can argue that the Park&Ride facility, which is the size of the Ernst Happel Stadium, will take up an unbelievable amount of space and that the area will be concreted over by reversible bus lanes, including two slip roads to the Danube highway. This would destroy another idyll in the city of Vienna, including the sealing of land.

Whether the ambitious project will ever be realized now depends on many other approval procedures - such as forestry or nature conservation law. The City of Vienna has already expressed its concerns on several occasions.

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