"Tour ruined"

Unsuspecting young police officer arrested Timberlake

19.06.2024 09:37

"Cry Me a River" ... In the arrest photo released by the Sag Harbor Police, Justin Timberlake actually looks like he might burst into tears at any moment. At least there is one consolation for the singer: according to court experts, he will probably get off lightly - without a prison sentence.

According to eyewitnesses in the "New York Post", "JT" had not only emptied his own drinks, but also those of his friends in "The American Hotel Bar" in the Hamptons.

"He was totally blue. Just before the bar closed, one of the group went to the bathroom and left his glass full. When the man came back, Timberlake was drinking from it. He shouted: 'Justin, that's my drink!" The star told one of the cops that he had "only had one martini" before he was arrested.

Justin Timberlake with glassy eyes on the police mugshot ... (Bild: APA/SAG HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT / AFP)
Justin Timberlake with glassy eyes on the police mugshot ...

"Tour ruined"
Speaking of the police: according to another eyewitness, the officers were sitting opposite the hotel in their patrol car and saw "JT" come out of the hotel bar: "They saw him get in his car and drive off in snaking lines. When they chased after him, he also ran a stop sign."

Also interesting: the cop who arrested the star was so young "that he had no idea who Timberlake was". When the singer mumbled, "This is going to ruin the whole tour", the policeman asked him, "What tour?" To which Justin clarified: "My world tour". The singer has concert dates in Poland, Germany, Belgium and Holland in July and August.

Here Timberlake sat in the drunk tank. (Bild: APA/AFP/Adam GRAY)
Here Timberlake sat in the drunk tank.
Timberlake was caught in the idyllic vacation resort of Sag Harbor. (Bild: AP)
Timberlake was caught in the idyllic vacation resort of Sag Harbor.
The police kept the star in a holding cell overnight. (Bild: AP)
The police kept the star in a holding cell overnight.

Out of the drunk tank in handcuffs
On Tuesday morning, a stoic-looking Timberlake was escorted in handcuffs from the drunk tank at the police station to the adjacent Justice Court building.

There he was officially charged with drunk driving, running a stop sign and illegal lane changing. The judge banned him from driving in New York State for the next twelve months.

He was then released without bail. The 43-year-old has hired local celebrity lawyer Ed Burke Jr. to represent him. The lawyer may also represent him at the next hearing on July 26. The date for a possible trial will be set then.

One year in prison
If convicted of drunk driving, Timberlake faces a maximum sentence of up to one year in prison.

However, former New York prosecutor and current defense attorney Michael Brown is convinced in the "New York Post" that the celebrity defendant will not go to jail: "He has a very experienced defense attorney in Burke, who will negotiate the charge down from a felony to a misdemeanor. For such a first offense, there will be a fine of up to 500 dollars at most!"

Biel was filming in New York
Timberlake has been married to actress Jessica Biel since 2012. The couple have two sons. Biel stood in front of the camera in New York's Central Park on Monday for her new film "The Better Sister", as recent photos show.

Biel during filming in New York's Central Park (Bild: Photo Press Service/www.PPS.at)
Biel during filming in New York's Central Park

In the spotlight since childhood
Timberlake began his career as a child as a television presenter and actor in various Disney shows, together with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Spears and he made headlines around the world with their relationship.

Timberlake made his international breakthrough at the end of the 1990s as a member of the boy band *NSYNC. He released several successful albums with the group and toured worldwide.

Successful solo career
After *NSYNC disbanded in 2002, Timberlake embarked on a successful solo career. He released five studio albums, all of which were very successful commercially.

In addition to his music career, Timberlake is also active as an actor. He has appeared in numerous films, including "Bad Teacher", "The Social Network" and "Trolls".

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