Opera house for children

Big theater for very small audiences

19.06.2024 09:43

A stage for the next generation - but at first glance, it was the local society that didn't want to steal the show ...

A separate opera house for children, young people and families - an exciting idea that has now actually been turned into reality. The new, unusual theater is located in the right-hand section of Vienna's Künstlerhaus and was already well attended when it opened!

"The problem that this venue solves has been around for a long time," opera director Bogdan Roščić proudly told us. "There were attempts to find a solution many years ago ... Now we have finally found a permanent home for these purposes." "The whole thing was made possible in part by the patronage of building contractor Hans-Peter Haselsteiner," emphasized press officer Susanne Athanasiadis.

Opera singer Jonas Kaufmann with his wife and director Christiane Lutz and their son Valentin. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Opera singer Jonas Kaufmann with his wife and director Christiane Lutz and their son Valentin.
A rare guest on the society stage: entrepreneur Hans-Peter Haselsteiner. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
A rare guest on the society stage: entrepreneur Hans-Peter Haselsteiner.
Young ballet dancers Natalia Ivan, Davide Culmone, Angelica D'Inzillo Carranza and Ryoma Shimizu. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Young ballet dancers Natalia Ivan, Davide Culmone, Angelica D'Inzillo Carranza and Ryoma Shimizu.
Presenters of the day: Kieran Foglar-Deinhardstein and Josi Paller (right) with Bogdan Roščić. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Presenters of the day: Kieran Foglar-Deinhardstein and Josi Paller (right) with Bogdan Roščić.

After an hour-long presentation by some of the participating artists - an appetizer, if you want to call it that - the company moved to the in-house restaurant "Ludwig & Adele" for a drink. Here the "Krone" met enthusiastic guests. "You can't go past the house from now on, there is no other opera house for young people in the world. We will be here often - and not just for work," says director Christiane Lutz. She took part in some of the pieces herself, while she watches the others with her son Valentin and husband Jonas Kaufmann.

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