Sustainable on-the-go

Focus on sustainability at picnics too

20.06.2024 00:01

The warm weather invites you to take a meal or two outside. The picnic basket is taken out of the cupboard, fresh pastries are bought, the spreads are packed and the vegetables are cut.

Martina Hohenlohe is convinced that "when you enjoy your food in nature, sustainability should be even more important than anywhere else," "apart from the fact that no waste should be left behind at the picnic site, packaging is also an issue that should be reconsidered." For example, the Gault & Millau editor only brings spreads in jars. Hohenlohe also relies on glass for drinks - reusable, to be precise.
Glass bottles as a more sustainable option
"I simply like the taste of drinks from a glass bottle better than plastic. Experiencing this pleasure at a picnic is a double pleasure, so to speak, because sustainability is also a given." However, the gourmet expert has one important tip: "Don't forget the cool bag, it's not just Coke that tastes the most refreshing when it's iced."

For this reason, the food blogger with "Martins Kochsalon" likes to pack a 0.4 liter reusable glass bottle of Coca-Cola or Coca-Cola Zero sugar. "The best thing about them is that they come with a screw cap - extremely practical for on the go and therefore perfect for a picnic."

The promotion of reusable bottles is just one of Coca-Cola Austria's sustainability measures. You can find an overview of the numerous international and national initiatives and steps HERE.

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read the original article here.

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