"We are over the moon"

Minister Zadic is pregnant with her second child

19.06.2024 10:21

Justice Minister Alma Zadic has shared some lovely private news on social media - the Green politician is pregnant with her second child. "I am happy to announce that our little family is growing," said Zadic on Instagram.

"My husband, my son and I are overjoyed about this great gift and are delighted that our family of three will grow by a miracle in December," said the Minister of Justice.

Remains in her function
She will remain in office for the time being and promised in the article that she would "continue to devote myself to my role as Minister of Justice with passion and full commitment". "And then, like many other parents, we will plan and divide everything well together and with the support of our family. We are grateful to have this support," says Zadic.

Husband went on paternity leave for first child
The minister announced her first pregnancy on Instagram in 2020. She gave birth to her son on 6 January 2021. After a short break from the political stage, her husband finally went on paternity leave from March. At that time, Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler took over from the Minister of Justice.

Minister Rauch wishes "all the best"
Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch was one of the first to respond to Zadic's "wonderful news". "Dear Alma, I am so happy for you and wish your growing family all the best," wrote Zadic's party colleague on Instagram.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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