Focus on the allocation of rights

Dispute escalates! ÖSV announces lawsuit against FIS

19.06.2024 10:48

In April, FIS President Johan Eliasch surprisingly announced the "green light" for the centralization of international media rights in winter sports. Since then, the ÖSV has been seeing red - with the consequence that Austria's ski association will sue the world federation.

ÖSV Secretary General Christian Scherer fears millions in damages.

ÖSV Secretary General Christian Scherer (Bild: GEPA pictures)
ÖSV Secretary General Christian Scherer

Central marketing of television rights
If the FIS has its way, the valuable international media rights in winter sports will be marketed centrally from 2026/2027 - similar to Formula 1. This centralization was one of the election promises of the controversial FIS boss Eliasch, who wants to implement his flagship project at all costs - and supposedly put his money where his mouth is at a meeting of the FIS Council. This is because the International Competition Rules have been changed with the approval of the FIS supremes.

The passage that places the media rights with the national associations was "almost forcibly" changed in the Council, as Stefan Schwarzbach, board member of the German Ski Association (DSV), put it in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". This reading coincides with that of the ÖSV. The change to the rules is seen as a means of exerting pressure.

Johan Eliasch (Bild: APA/EXPA/JOHANN GRODER)
Johan Eliasch

The federations are not fundamentally opposed to the idea of centralization. However, they are bothered by the FIS's approach and the fact that the future right to have a say is unclear. Eliasch's assumption that central marketing outsourced to the Swiss agency Infront for eight years from 2026 could generate an increase of more than 100 million euros is also controversial. A mere redistribution of funds without simultaneous product development is unlikely to bring about the glorious future propagated by Eliasch, according to the association.

Damage in the millions?
"With its decision, the FIS board has restricted competition on the market. This is already having an impact on the ÖSV, which is facing potential damages in the seven-figure range," said Scherer, explaining the ÖSV's legal opinion. "As managing directors of a corporation, we and I have no choice but to defend ourselves and take legal action." The lawsuit will be brought before an Austrian commercial court.

The Swiss Ski Association, on the other hand, has a conciliatory tone. "We continue to hope for an early solution in the interests of snow sports as a whole and currently have the impression that we are gradually getting closer to this goal," said Swiss Ski. They are in a continuous, solution-oriented exchange with other affected associations such as the ÖSV or DSV as well as with the FIS.

For the ÖSV, the latest development is special in that it is the only relevant ski association that does not have a contractual relationship with the Infront agency with regard to international media rights, but has valid contracts with IMG and Eurovision Sport as well as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). According to Scherer, an ongoing contract will be affected. The domestic rights are held by ORF.

Part of Eliasch's peculiar management style is also to keep the associations in the dark time and time again. To date, no minutes of the relevant board meeting have been received, only the text of the resolution, said Scherer.

Stadlober faces re-election
He also wants to explain "these developments, which are directly damaging to the ÖSV" to the participants of the association's national conference on Friday. In Feldkirch, the already approved amendment to the statutes is also due to be approved, whereby Scherer will be appointed Chairman of the Executive Board. Together with Mario Stecher (Sportagenden), he will head the association full-time in future. Roswitha Stadlober is likely to remain honorary president for another three years. The re-election of Stadlober, who turned 61 on Wednesday, is considered a formality. She is the only candidate.

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