Down-to-earth royals

Prince Edward & Sophie celebrate their silver wedding anniversary

19.06.2024 13:16

Britain's Prince Edward (60) and his wife Duchess Sophie (59) celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Wednesday. The palace published a sweet photo showing the couple in casual leisurewear.

Sophie, who is wearing a beige jacket, is leaning back against Edward, who has his arms wrapped around her stomach. Both look into the camera with a relaxed expression. The youngest brother of King Charles III (75) and his wife are rarely in the public eye.

Royal couple play an increasingly important role in the royal family
However, the couple are playing an increasingly important role in the royal family. One of the reasons for their growing importance is the departure of Prince Harry (39) and his wife Duchess Meghan (42) from the inner circle of the royal family and the forced retirement of Prince Andrew (64).

A down-to-earth picture: they celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on social media with this sweet shot. (Bild: Jelf / PA /
A down-to-earth picture: they celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on social media with this sweet shot.

Queen Elizabeth's second eldest son had fallen into disrepute due to his involvement in the abuse scandal surrounding US multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein. In addition, King Charles and Princess Kate (42) have been absent for periods in recent months due to cancer. Edward and Sophie stepped in and took on royal duties.

Prince Edward and Duchess Sophie at the celebrations for Charles' birthday at the weekend. (Bild: AFP/APA/POOL/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Prince Edward and Duchess Sophie at the celebrations for Charles' birthday at the weekend.

Modest royals without scandal or divorce
Edward and Sophie were married in Windsor on June 19, 1999. They have two children, Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor (20) and James Mountbatten-Windsor (16), who holds the title of Earl of Wessex.

The family is considered to be relatively modest and largely free of scandal. Edward is the only child of Queen Elizabeth whose first marriage did not break up. Sophie is considered down-to-earth. She comes from a middle-class family. Her father was a tire dealer.

Despite this, she managed to integrate quietly into the royal family. The family resides in a stately mansion in the county of Surrey called Bagshot Park, which, according to the tabloid newspaper "The Sun", has 120 rooms.

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