Jump in lumbar vertebrae

Richard Lugner: “I have a crack in a cervical vertebra”

19.06.2024 11:33

The local society has been worried about Richard Lugner for days. The Opernball zampano is in a worrying condition, at least for outsiders, and has already had to be taken to hospital several times by ambulance. His back is giving him a hard time. Now he finally has a diagnosis and proves that he is already back on his feet.

It is a "crack in a lumbar vertebra" that is causing Lugner hellish pain. However, as the 91-year-old told Krone with relief, he is in the best of hands with pain therapist Professor Zimpfer and does not need an operation.

"Two weeks"
"It will probably take two weeks for the pain to subside, but it will be possible without an operation," he explained hopefully and also sent us a photo showing that he is not bedridden, but is already standing on his own two feet again, even if he is still leaning a little crookedly against his doctor.

Everything will be fine! Richard Lugner still needs two injections a day, then he'll be fit again for his honeymoon. (Bild: zVG)
Everything will be fine! Richard Lugner still needs two injections a day, then he'll be fit again for his honeymoon.

Injections twice a day
"I currently have to have injections in the morning and evening to relieve the pain," he said. The tear was probably caused during a massage. Everything should be fine by the time he and Simone go on their honeymoon to Greece in July.

The master builder only got married for the sixth time on June 1 at Vienna City Hall to great media interest and took his partner Simone Reiländer, aka "Bienchen", as his wife. For her, this start to married life full of worry about her loved one must not exactly be easy.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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