Because of new party

Hungarian Christian Democrats resign from EPP

19.06.2024 12:05

The Hungarian Christian Democrats are leaving the European People's Party (EPP). This was announced by party leader Zsolt Semjén. The reason is the new TISZA leader Péter Magyar, a former functionary from the Fidesz environment, who publicly spoke out against Hungary's head of government Viktor Orbán in February.

The 43-year-old and his TISZA party won 30 percent of the vote and seven seats in the EU elections on June 9 (see video above). Before the election, he had said no to a personal entry into parliament, but he may have changed his mind in the meantime. Magyar is to become head of the TISZA delegation.

The Christian Democratic KDNP was founded after the end of communism in 1989 and was represented in the Hungarian parliament as a small party in the 1990s. After the 1998 election, it was forced to leave the party, and since 2006 it has only stood as a candidate on a joint list with Orbán's Fidesz party. Nevertheless, it has its own parliamentary group in the national parliament and one MEP.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg (Bild: APA/AFP/Frederick Florin)
The European Parliament in Strasbourg

Fidesz party no longer a member either
Fidesz had already left the EPP in 2021 after many years of disputes and has been looking for European allies ever since. Most recently, it had set its sights on the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which includes the Fratelli d'Italia party of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Polish opposition party PiS (Law and Justice). However, some MEPs are said to have threatened to leave if the Hungarian ruling party were to be admitted.

Orbán is regarded by many as "unpresentable". This is partly due to his pro-Russian policies. EU rule of law proceedings have been underway against Hungary for years, yet the country will take over the EU Council Presidency on July 1.

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