Number 1 in Austria

A strong network for your PV system

19.06.2024 12:11

With a strong network of experts, "Krone Sonne" brings the energy of the future to every roof and offers tailor-made solutions for sustainable energy in your home. Our installation professionals offer quality and reliability throughout Austria.

Day after day, "Krone Sonne" demonstrates that teamwork is the key to success! With an efficient network of installation partners throughout Austria, "Krone Sonne" brings solar energy directly to your roofs.

Tailor-made solutions for every roof
Over 3,000 installed systems from Lake Constance to Lake Neusiedl make "Krone Sonne" the number one for photovoltaic solutions in Austria - and offers individual solutions for every roof and every roof shape, including for your home.

With detailed planning and a keen understanding of design, Vivatro ensures conscientious execution down to the last screw. (Bild: Krone Sonne)
With detailed planning and a keen understanding of design, Vivatro ensures conscientious execution down to the last screw.

Don't have your own roof? No problem! With Krone SolMate, the innovative balcony power plant, you can bring solar power directly into your own four walls. Because the future of sustainable energy lies in maximum self-consumption. In view of falling feed-in tariffs and surplus prices, it is crucial that you use as much of the electricity you produce yourself as possible. Thanks to modern storage solutions, wallboxes and energy monitoring, you have full control - all from a single source, installed by professionals with decades of experience.

Your advantage: all-in-sun solution

  • Hardware, installation and all administrative work
  • Exceptional product guarantees and carefree package
  • Perfectly coordinated solution for maximum self-consumption and benefits
  • "Krone Sonne" as a reliable partner for a PV lifetime (>25 years)

Servio - the all-rounders from the north
In the north of Austria, the all-rounders from Servio are true masters of their trade. Quality and customer satisfaction are their top priorities. No roof is too complicated, no challenge too great - Servio always finds a solution. With their extensive expertise and unwavering commitment to perfection, they set new standards in photovoltaic installation.

No roof is too complicated, no challenge too great - Servio always finds a solution. (Bild: Antal Imre)
No roof is too complicated, no challenge too great - Servio always finds a solution.

SOLAH - safety and reliability from the very beginning
SOLAH has been a reliable partner and loyal supporter of "Krone Sonne" from the very beginning. Its top priority is safety - both for customers and employees. With SOLAH, you have a partner at your side who not only attaches great importance to the highest safety standards, but also impresses with its reliability and professional work.

Vivatro - precision and perfection in the south
In the south of Austria, Vivatro is the specialist that picks up where others leave off. With detailed planning and a keen understanding of design, Vivatro ensures conscientious execution down to the last screw. Their projects are characterized by precision and aesthetic perfection - Vivatro is the right choice for sophisticated photovoltaic systems.

SOLAH has been a reliable partner and loyal supporter of "Krone Sonne" since the very beginning. (Bild: Krone Sonne)
SOLAH has been a reliable partner and loyal supporter of "Krone Sonne" since the very beginning.

SPA Energietechnik - expertise in the Alpine region
Our experts at SPA Energietechnik for photovoltaics in the Alpine region have been a guarantee of the highest quality for 20 years. In the heart of Tyrol, they offer comprehensive energy technology solutions that are characterized by the best and tested quality. SPA Energietechnik is your universal energy technology provider that impresses with innovative solutions and many years of experience.

The "All-in-Sun" solution from Krone Sonne combines photovoltaics with storage, monitoring, wallbox and maintenance. For Krone Sonne, energy independence is no longer a buzzword - and with our installation teams throughout Austria, it's within reach! The sun does the rest.

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