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Missing Linz woman buried dead in woodland

19.06.2024 12:50

Now there is sad certainty: 54-year-old Christa P. from Linz had been missing since October 14 of last year. Her family organized countless searches, the "Krone" reported. After questioning in the drug scene, the body has now been found - buried in a wooded area.

There had been no trace of Christa P. since October 14 of the previous year. At the time, she was in a pub in the south of Linz and then spent the night with an acquaintance. She is said to have left the apartment in the morning. She has been missing ever since - until now.

Public prosecutor's office investigates
After questioning in the drug scene, the 43-year-old man with whom she had spent the night confessed that he had buried the woman in a wooded area. He had already told an acquaintance about the crime and cleared his conscience during questioning.

According to the public prosecutor's office, however, Christa P. was not murdered; it was probably a drug or alcohol-related accident.

The 54-year-old Upper Austrian woman is said to have disappeared without a trace on this road. (Bild: Markus Wenzel, Krone KREATIV)
The 54-year-old Upper Austrian woman is said to have disappeared without a trace on this road.
Sad certainty about Christa P. (54) (Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)
Sad certainty about Christa P. (54)

Investigators led to the body
After the suspect became aware of this, he is said to have called several acquaintances and asked them for advice. Finally, he is said to have buried her alone in a nearby forest or meadow - the Linz public prosecutor's office confirms the "Krone" information. The 43-year-old led the investigators to the place where he had buried her.

The public prosecutor's office is investigating the stabbing of an injured person and disturbing the peace of the dead. A post-mortem examination has been ordered and should provide clarity in the coming days. The body was initially identified by relatives on the basis of clothing and personal belongings. The suspect is at large.

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read the original article here.

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