"The little things"

Britney Spears celebrates the arrest of her ex-boyfriend

19.06.2024 12:49

He who has the damage need not worry about the ridicule: after the shocking arrest of her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake for drunk driving, Britney Spears toasted to "the little things" in life.

Ouch! Just hours after pop star Justin Timberlake, with whom Britney Spears was together from 1999 to 2002, was caught drunk behind the wheel of his car by a police patrol in an idyllic village in the New York Hamptons, the singer posted a photo of a fruity cocktail.

She wrote smugly: "You know how it is, it's the little things in life." Clearly a reference to Timberlake, fans are sure.

The 42-year-old singer then posted a video of herself in a skin-tight white mini-dress with neon green stripes - her "first cocktail dress", in which she apparently wanted to have fun in Las Vegas while her ex slept off his hangover.

Extensive drinking
He certainly had to have one. According to reports, he had been drinking heavily with friends in a hotel bar in Sag Harbor on Long Island on Tuesday night.

Britney Spears is in high spirits on Instagram after Timberlake's arrest. (Bild: www.instagram.com/britneyspear)
Britney Spears is in high spirits on Instagram after Timberlake's arrest.

"He was totally blue"
According to eyewitnesses in the "New York Post", "JT" had not only emptied his own drinks, but also those of his friends in "The American Hotel Bar" in the Hamptons: "He was totally blue. Just before the bar closed, one of the group went to the bathroom and left his full glass. When the man came back, Timberlake had finished it." The star told the cops that he had "only had one martini" before he was arrested.

According to police, the incident occurred shortly after midnight on Tuesday in the town of Sag Harbor, about 150 kilometers east of the metropolis of New York.

The police released a so-called mugshot, the police photo of Timberlake in custody, on Tuesday. The singer looks directly into the camera with a glazed expression. (Bild: APA/SAG HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT / AFP)
The police released a so-called mugshot, the police photo of Timberlake in custody, on Tuesday. The singer looks directly into the camera with a glazed expression.

Running a stop sign
According to the report, Timberlake ran a stop sign, among other things, and was then stopped by a patrol. The singer was taken into custody and spent the night at the police station. He was then released after a court appearance on Tuesday morning (local time). According to CBS, the next court date is scheduled for the end of July.

"Tour ruined"
On July 26 of all days, the day he was supposed to give the first European concert of his current world tour, "The Forget Tomorrow World Tour", in Krakow, Poland.

When he shouted at the young policeman during his arrest that it would "ruin his whole tour", he was obviously already aware of this. The fact that younger people don't know him anymore must have shot him too. The young cop had no idea who he had caught and asked which tour he was referring to.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were once the pop world's dream couple. Spears has since divorced several times and Timberlake is married to Jessica Biel. (Bild: APA/AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill, File, File)
Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were once the pop world's dream couple. Spears has since divorced several times and Timberlake is married to Jessica Biel.

For Britney, it's probably all karma. In her memoir "The Woman in Me - My Story", published in October, she wrote, among other things, that she had become pregnant by the musician during her relationship with Timberlake and had an abortion at his insistence. Timberlake later distanced himself more and more and ended the relationship with the singer, who had no idea, by text message.

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