Suddenly new tones

Mattle’s clear message to Leister and Schmarotzer

19.06.2024 15:52

Slowly but surely, the state of shock in the Tyrolean People's Party after the recent election defeats (Innsbruck and EU Parliament) seems to be easing somewhat. Because suddenly there are new tones from the party leader.

In the local council and mayoral elections, the party, which was well "hidden" on the ballot paper and ran under the name "Florian Tursky - Das Neue Innsbruck", achieved just 10.15 percent. This "almost single-digit" result was the worst ever result in an election in Tyrol. A few weeks later, the party suffered a loss of almost 13% in the EU elections, which was also quite a blow.

Even the competition was surprised
This was possibly a kind of wake-up call, at least for the Tyrolean VP, at least for LH Anton Mattle, especially as the National Council elections will be here sooner than you think. Mattle is generally said to be interested in everything, but rarely or not at all to position himself externally. He did just that these days.

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In Austria, the middle class is collapsing because those who perform their work are becoming fewer and fewer, while the beneficiaries of the system are becoming more and more.

LH Anton Mattle

So clear that even the competition was somewhat surprised. The key word was "performance". In this regard, he criticized the ever-increasing number of social parasites in the country. Not literally, but as follows: "People are tired of feeling like they are paying into the system for others and getting nothing out of it themselves. In Austria, the middle class is disappearing because those who work hard are becoming fewer and fewer, while the beneficiaries of the system are becoming more and more."

Period. Pause. Postscript: If the People's Party wants to be successful again in the future, it must not only talk about the idea of performance, but must also do something for those willing to perform.

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The ÖVP must not allow itself to be held back by its current or future coalition partner.

LH Anton Mattle

Governor shows edges and corners
Mattle was unequivocal in his address to the current black-green coalition at a federal level, which is now merely vegetating: "The ÖVP must not allow itself to be held back by the current or a future coalition partner." By this he means the Greens today and probably the Social Democrats in the future. Mattle categorically rules out a coalition with the FPÖ.

Political observers agree, however, that with these statements Tyrol's governor is finally showing the edges and corners that one would have liked to have seen from him on other issues. For example, in the unspeakable discussion about the new Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) project, etc.

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