My favorite tour

Up to the Weidener Hütte on an electric bike

20.06.2024 17:00

The Weidener Hütte is a popular destination for e-bikers. The Alpine Club hut is also located on the Transalp route. Free charging facilities for e-bikes are available outside the refuge.

The pleasant e-bike tour starts from the free Teglau hiking parking lot in Innerst (Weerberg) directly in front of the Weerbach community power station. This route is also new to the sprightly senior citizens Franz Posch and Toni Silberberger. The large and elongated municipality of Weerberg offers a beautiful view of the many well-kept houses as soon as you arrive by car or public transport.

Elisabeth, Toni and Franz enjoyed the tour. (Bild: Toni Silberberger)
Elisabeth, Toni and Franz enjoyed the tour.

A brisk start
From the parking lot (1120 m), the ascent is immediately brisk with a gradient of around ten percent and you quickly gain altitude. Always along the well-maintained forest road, there are always beautiful photo opportunities out into the Inn Valley. After around 7 km and a steep final ascent, you reach the Weidener Hütte (1779 m), which is owned by the Weiden section of the German Alpine Club.

Facts and figures

  • Starting point: Weerberg / Innerst district / entrance just before Gasthaus Innerst to the right, slightly downhill to the parking lot
  • Travel time: from Teglau parking lot approx. 1 hour and 20 minutes
  • Distance: approx. 15 kilometers (route there & back) Altitude difference: uphill a total of 660 vertical meters, downhill 660 vertical meters
  • Requirements: Good physical condition, perfect handling of the e-bike, helmet, knee protection, gloves, first-aid kit.
  • Refreshment stops: Weidener Hütte

Formerly the Nafinghütte
The Weidener Hütte, formerly known as the Nafinghütte, is surrounded by quiet side valleys with spruce and stone pine forests, flower-filled Alpine meadows and - when the Alpine roses are in bloom - bright red slopes. The panoramic peaks of the Tux Alps tower above, offering magnificent views of the Zillertal mountains and the jagged ridges of the Karwendel.

View through the valley to the Karwendel. (Bild: Toni Silberberger)
View through the valley to the Karwendel.

Beautiful e-bike tour
What strikes us immediately is the extremely friendly team at the Weidener Hütte, especially the hosts Rebecca Krismer and Michael Reitmair, who run this newly renovated hut in exemplary fashion. A beautiful e-bike tour with a very alpine character.

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read the original article here.

Franz Posch
Franz Posch
Toni Silberberger
Toni Silberberger
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