Nature conservation in Vienna

How Brigittenau protects biodiversity

23.06.2024 00:01

This year, the Ministry of Climate Protection is focusing on protected areas in Austria. A biodiversity project to preserve species diversity is therefore being promoted in the Brigittenau district. Find out what this is all about and what else district head Christine Dubravac-Widholm has planned for Vienna's 20th district in an interview with

The European Union-funded biodiversity project in Jägerstrasse is not only intended to protect biodiversity in the district and beyond, but also to make Brigittenau greener and bring more quality of life to the district. The green strip planned there will provide a home for butterflies and wild bees, and the diversity of flowers and plants will also benefit.

How residents can protect biodiversity
The best way for residents of Brigitennau to get involved in preserving biodiversity is by gardening around the corner or in their own gardens. Interested parties can also pick up valuable tips at one of the numerous workshops and information events in the run-up to the event.

What's going on culturally in Brigittenau
Now that it's getting warmer and the residents of Brigittenau are drawn to the outdoors, there are numerous events for young and old. The Mortarapark, for example, hosts the Kultursommer, where over 500 acts from the fields of cabaret, literature, music and much more await visitors. The youth and senior centers also host exciting events throughout the summer. The Brigittenau District Museum is also open, where you can learn more about the heritage of Vienna's 20th district.

The cultural heritage of Vienna and Brigittenau should also be visible in public spaces and municipal buildings. Monuments and works of art have been and will continue to be promoted and preserved here.

The future of Brigittenau
District head Christine Dubravac-Widholm also has a clear vision for the future of the district. The district is to grow closer to the city center and more nature is to find its way into the district in order to improve the quality of life in the district.

(Bild: Stadt Wien)

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